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HomeInternationalA Lebanese woman holds up a bank to withdraw her frozen savings.

A Lebanese woman holds up a bank to withdraw her frozen savings.

BEIRUT, Lebanon (Pro News): A furnished woman broke into a bank in the Lebanese capital Beirut on Wednesday, agreeing to hold assets to treat her got out sister.


The woman conveying a weapon entered BLOM bank and did whatever to set herself burning to take out her own money, spectators said.

Different Lebanese watchers cheered the person who held up the bank to get her own money as most Lebanese can’t get to their resources thinking about head financial bumble and debasement.

The public power-run Public News Office said the woman, seen as Sally Hafez, sorted out a brilliant technique for pulling out $20,000 from her record.

Reasons for robbery

Sali Hafiz entered a piece of BLOM Bank in Beirut with a toy handgun and referred to her save holds. 

Hafez, joined by political activists, said she expected to pay for her sister’s hazardous progression treatment. 

She left with $13,000, according to neighborhood media.

Most Lebanese can’t get to their conservations amidst the technique with the cash-related predicament. 

For a broad timeframe, $1 was worth 1,500 Lebanese lire through a system by the Lebanese Public Bank. 

The lira has since tumbled to around 37,000 to the dollar on the goods market, downgrading individuals’ undertaking holds. 

Banks are other than jumbled to return stores thinking about screw-up of resources and relaxed capital controls with moving totals.

 Answers by the woman after arresting

The woman was the extent to which anybody knows found by security powers following the event.

The woman announced on social media that she had taken out $13,000 in genuine dollars.

Meanwhile, the Relationship of Lebanese Patrons, a help pack, faulted security powers for chasing after financial allies who gathered at the bank.

Last month, a Lebanese ally kept detainees inside a bank in Beirut to request escape from his record to pay for his father’s clinical office treatment. 

He organized the withdrawal of $35,000 from his record.

Lebanon has been wrestling with a cash-related crisis starting around 2019, keeping away from the most locked records.

A man separating himself as Hafiz’s life accessory later appeared on TV with Hafiz’s got-out sister.

Records of the episode changed into a web sensation on Lebanese virtual redirection, and various watchers saw her exercises.

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