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HomePakistanA Manual To The Karakoram Highway – From Pakistan To China

A Manual To The Karakoram Highway – From Pakistan To China

The Karakoram Highway is, perhaps, one of the fundamental spots in the present where you can regard a mountain 8,000 meters high, as Nanga Parbat, from the window of your auto.

Karakorum Highway has enticed tourists from any spot in the world for an expanded timeframe, not simply considering how it is the most raised cleared road on earth yet what’s more since it goes through the three great mountain ranges on earth.

When was the Karakoram Highway made?

The road is one of the most super unnerving and hair-welcoming jeep lurches in the globe. Construction of the road began in 1959 and opened to everybody in 1986, following 27 years of corded weakening and progress.

810 Pakistani and 82 Chinese experts failed their lives in landslides and falls while building the highway.

What is interesting about Karakoram highway?

The highway has evolved into an adventure tourism fair-minded and organized as the third-best explorer locale in Pakistan. It is the essential line crossing on earth, at a move of more than 4,800 meters (around 16,000 feet) in the Khunjerab Pass at the limit.

What is interesting about Karakoram highway

What is another name for Karakoram Highway?

Karakoram Highway, Chinese (Pinyin) Karakorum Gonglu or (Swim Giles romanization) K’a-la-k’un-lun Kung-lu, is relatively called Zhongba Gonglu.

Karakoram Highway took how many years to complete?

The road expected every practical sense, 20 years (1959-78) to wrap up. The highway was a joint Pakistani and Chinese endeavor and needed the constraints of around 24,000 taught specialists.

Is it secure to travel the Karakoram Highway?

Expecting you are anxious about Pakistan, you should grasp that the KKH goes through the most reliable district in the country.

How long is the Karakoram Highway?

The two-way road (known as Karakorum Highway and China-Pakistan Joint effort Highway) is 1.300km (810 mi) long (Pakistan: 887 km (551 mi) and China: 413 km (257 mi), going through watched out for Kashmir from Hassan Abdal (a simple neighborhood Rawalpindi and Islamabad) to Kashgar, in Xinjiang region, Western China.

How long is the Karakoram Highway

[See Map]

About karakoram highway

The Karakoram Highway (as often as possible thick to KKH and unwound as the Karakorum) is the most cleared road in the world. It interfaces Western China and Pakistan.

An exceptionally phenomenal framework of courses crosses the Himalayas and the most westerly of them.

As a rule, this was a procession trail, one piece of the old Silk Road.

From 1959 to 1979, the Chinese and Pakistani states made a highway.

Present Condition of the road

The state of the bona fide highway separates over its 1300 km length.

The road from Hassan Abdal gets rolling looking perfect, yet when the highway starts to move into the Kohistan district and self-destructs.

From Besham to Chilas, the road embraces the side of the river valley, with the furious Indus river below.

The road is restricted and unforgiving and is in places with a beast and high outcome dropping off the edge of the road. Traffic goes at high speed, and incidents are customary.

You should take care of this part if you are driving or cycling. Work is being done as a piece of the China-Pakistan Money-related Technique for resuscitating this piece of the KKH, so the quality and width of the road should oversee soon.

After Chilas, the road surface enhances and is generally smooth faint top or basic far until the China line.

The highway on the Chinese side is exemplary regardless of beginning around 2019 when there were enduring and exasperating road unearthings to fight with after Tashkurgan.

The scene is also more level-like on the Chinese side, so all of you around come up short on hazardous inclination edge conditions you track down in the Pakistani district.

Present Condition of the road

Things to know before traveling the Karakorum Highway

You can consider the following things in mind before visiting the Karakoram highway.

  • In light of the snow and the low temperatures, the side canyons are not accessible in winter.
  • The authentic road stays pleasing the whole year, yet you should know that the temperatures decline altogether from October to November.
  • Before long, expecting you mean to cross from Pakistan to China or an opposite procedure for getting around, you should understand that, because of the snow, the Khunjerab Pass stays shut from November to Spring.
  • You ought to organize your visas somewhat early. Tolerating you expected to do the whole excursion from Islamabad to Kashgar, going in your vehicle and ending for the time being in 4 or 5 key spots, I recognize that you would expect something like ten days to conclude it.
  • To dissect some side valleys, you should add 2 or 3 extra days for each valley you see. If you consume 40 days along the road, you will not see all the required valleys!
  • On the Chinese site, the web works in different towns and metropolitan associations, especially in Tashkurgan and Kashgar.
  • On the other hand, ignore accessories in Pakistan, as the association is essentially non-existent.
  • On the Pakistani flank, there are no police-allocated spots after the metropolis of Gilgit, and it suggests you can go to your genuinely cared places.
  • Clearly, on the Chinese side, you will be in the sensitive Xinjiang region, where you will find endpoints constrained by the Chinese-taught specialists.
  • The point on the Karakoram Road is 4,800m at Khunjerab Pass, and a fundamental piece of it is above 3,500m.
  • Since the trip is uncommonly sluggish, most voyagers show no outcomes of level illness. In any case, endeavor to drink stores of liquids and, just in case, convey Diamox with you.
Things to know before traveling the Karakorum Highway

Is the Karakoram Highway open?

The road is open the whole year except for the Khunjerab Pass, a high mountain pass at a level of 4.693m (15,397ft) over the sea level, which opens just between 1 May and 31 December in light of snow.

Tremendous snow during unforgiving winters can shut down the highway for expanded periods.

Critical tempest deluges around July and August explain coincidental weighty slides that can frustrate the road for an enormous period or more.

Drive with care, as this is a mountain road with cut turns and hazardous drop-offs.

Karakoram Highway open


The Karakoram Road is the most immeasurable excursion ever. These extended mountains and the enormous secluding scenes are essential for such a trip.

The Karakoram Highway starts from Hasan Abdal, which is a couple of kilometers from Islamabad, yet by far, most begin their outing from Islamabad and travel northward towards China.

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