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HomePoliticsAudio leak reveals IK’s narrative of foreign conspiracy: Rana Sanaullah.

Audio leak reveals IK’s narrative of foreign conspiracy: Rana Sanaullah.

ISLAMABAD (Pro News): Remarking on the uttermost down-the-line sound opening to have a blended visit, Inside Minister Rana Sanaullah said on Wednesday that the break had uncovered an entire record of the new stunt of Imran.


Paying attention to a public assembly, the Pakistan Muslim Association Nawaz (PML-N) trailblazer faulted the past top of the state for withdrawing from the country.

Sanaullah mocked the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) boss over his conventional explanation of him and his affiliation surrendering to another interest.

He said they know his entire strategy today.

He helped that there significantly affected, put every declaration of the video before individuals, for the most part, addressing uncover the deceit by this plotter.

Rana Sanaullah commented about the leaked audio.

Coming about to play the spilt sound before the media, Sanaullah conferred that the conversation was evidence that PTI was attempting to make a plot. He referred to Imran Khan from the sound break, clearly setting up his secretary Azam Khan to play with it.

He further conveyed that the two changed the minutes of the social gathering and unstuck them with a made story that plans with the story.

He said the backstabber was overpowering everyone for the past half year. During his residency, he crushed the economy and political culture and isolated Pakistan on another level. It is the explanation India decided to seek after Kashmir while our country was in a frail state.

Also Read About: The Toxic Impact of Khan’s Politics

Sanaullah helping the PTI supremo to review sending the code to Director Worth of Pakistan Umar Ata Bandial back in April said they went to High Court requiring a deal on this. They can continue the deals. 

Imran Khan left the post of prime minister.

An explanation of general disillusionment of late discarded Imran from the working environment of the state. He had ensured that the move was with after US dispatch Donald Lu made a letter to the Pakistani delegate, clearly directing him to have the boss discarded or be prepared to challenge the results.

A sound break purportedly of past head Imran Khan and his fundamental secretary by then, Azam Khan, surfaced in which the two were looking at the political code.

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