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HomeInternationalChina’s first cervical cancer vaccine delivers 100% efficacy in clinical trials.

China’s first cervical cancer vaccine delivers 100% efficacy in clinical trials.

BEIJING (Pro News): Cecolin is the self-made HPV immunization in China.

It can offer female adults full insusceptibility against two kinds of human papillomavirus (HPV).

Research of Chinese experts

A social gathering of Chinese experts investigated data from 66-month follow-up visits as the bivalent Phase 3 clinical focal.

They found that its plentifulness against high-grade genital wounds, results of cervical disease, showed up at 100 percent.

The E Coli-conveyed HPV 16/18 recombinant immunizer had 97% common sense against reliable HPV defilements.

The clinical starter included 7,372 strong women made 18 to 45, with 3,689 in the vaccinated assembling and 3,683 in the benchmark pack. 

The event in the vaccinated assembling was distinguishably lower than in the benchmark pack.

Cecolin in China

Xiamen University and Xiamen Innovax formulated Cecolin in China 

This achievement made China the third country in the world to accomplish a free cervical sickness vaccination supply.

The first two countries for this research are the United States and the United Kingdom. 

It secured the World Health Organization Prequalification in October 2021.

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