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HomeBusinessFBR Grasps PIA Bank Accounts Yet Again

FBR Grasps PIA Bank Accounts Yet Again

KARACHI: The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has gotten a handle on the records of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) again for not paying its taxes amounting to Rs2.86 billion.


In a letter by Deputy Commissioner Inland Revenue Unit-02 Sharjeel Ahmed to the bank’s chief, It said the public power responsibility amounting to Rs2,864 (M) is exceptional against M/S Pakistan International Airlines NTN: 0803450 for various assessment periods.

“In the long as expected, in the exercise of cutoff points given under Part 14(3) read with Rule 60(1)(d) of the Federal Concentrate Act, 2005, I genuinely do suitably issue/serve this rebuke for a relationship of [the] monetary concordance … and some other record stayed aware of against NTN: 0803450 of the defaulter stayed aware of your bank if any, with brief effect till how much evaluation is settled upon or recovered totally,” it further conveyed.

FBR Froze 53 Bank Accounts of the PIA Last Year

In January last year, the FBR had frozen 53 records of the PIA after it was seen as a cost defaulter of Rs26 billion, to restore them later in the day after the transporter’s Boss met with the responsibility body’s chief.

The PIA Manager ensured the FBR that the plane would continue to pay its late responsibilities with little mind to the challenges it was going up against and talking with the association for bearing.

The freezing of the records would have influenced the field attempts of the plane.

There were also hopes to allocate warrants for the PIA planning director for commitment.

FBR froze 53 bank accounts of the PIA last year

The Bailout Package for the PIA

In September 2021, the public authority kept an Rs44 billion bailout pack for the PIA, having all the earmarks of being a cash and sovereign guarantee after its weakness to pass any upgrade to the financial condition of the public banner carrier in three years.

A total of Rs44 billion had been amidst mounting disasters of the PIA that had shown up at Rs542 billion by June 2020.

The bailout package for the PIA
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