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HomeInternationalGermany begins a new admission schedule for Afghan refugees

Germany begins a new admission schedule for Afghan refugees

BERLIN(Pro News): Germany has begun another program to concede Afghans considered most in peril following last time’s Taliban preemption in Kabul, the inside and foreign ministries said on Monday. 


Berlin has sworn to take in around 38,000 Afghans, especially those in peril subject to the authority of the Taliban, and 26,000 individuals have proactively shown up in Germany. 

The new program will concede 1000 Afghans each month and their cousins each. It targets especially uncovered Afghans who are dynamic in ladies’ and introductory freedoms creation or those in peril of working in the fields of equity, legislative issues, media, training, culture, game, or wisdom. 

Afghans who have encountered brutality or oppression due to their exposure, sexual direction, or religion can benefit from the program. 

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Views of interior minister Nancy Faster 

Views of interior minister Nancy Faster

Interior minister Nancy Faeser said they could offer security to jeopardized and weak individualities from Afghanistan. 

It is due to characterized evidence models, 

Germany will help common society associations to choose and arrive at the designated gatherings. The public authority intends to run the program for the rest of the executive period in October 2025. 

Berlin has not perceived the Taliban as a government since they took over Afghanistan in August 2021, as the US- supported strange powers pulled out following twenty times of war.

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