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HomeScience & TechGovt Officially Projects Online Passport Fee App Nationwide

Govt Officially Projects Online Passport Fee App Nationwide

Directorate General Immigration and Passports (DGIP), constrained by the Inside Association, has conveyed the electronic visa charge application all over Pakistan after its main farewell in the massive metropolitan associations of the country.


Pakistan’s government conveyed the online visa charge application in gigantic metropolitan regions, but little while expanded through Pakistan.

Following its development in an extended time frame, the truly molded online passport expense application is being made reachable for use all over Pakistan.

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The Directorate General of Immigration and Passports (DIGP) conveyed the application for public use as indicated by the orders of the inside association of Pakistan.

As demonstrated by reports, inhabitants of Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Lahore could easily do trades and use this application. Incidentally, Karachi could get the section this month.

Rana Sanaullah launched the app

Rana Sanaullah launched the app.

Rana Sanaullah is the interior minister of Pakistan. He definitively conveyed the application named ‘visa cost asaan’ for public use today. According to nuances, the application is coordinated and functional for everyone in the country.

Salman Sufi explained the benefits of the app

Salman Sufi explained the benefits of the app.

Salman Sufi, the head of Prime Minister (PM) Shahbaz Sharif’s changes on this occasion, said that it is only one of the many new plans the public authority has expected to convey in the following couple of months.

Sufi, in his clarification, comparatively examined the application’s advantages and named the new application important since a fundamental piece of everybody can pay quiet charges not before when people expected to go through widened lines at the bank. Furthermore, through the DIGP’s remuneration ace, a Web-based place of connection and the tenants can pay their visa costs.

Before its organized show in the nation’s money-related center, the minister approved everything around the country.

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