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HomeHealthIs It Okay to Swim with Contact Lenses? Here is all You...

Is It Okay to Swim with Contact Lenses? Here is all You Need to know

You have only two eyes. Take good care of them.

You could believe your contact lenses will protect your eyes from the water. 

However, contact lenses are permeable because your eyes need to breathe. 

If you wear contact lenses, you may believe you require them to see clearly while swimming.

But is it okay to swim with contact lenses?

We’ll go over this subject in further depth so you can take better supervision of your eyes both on land and at sea. 

Is water harmful to contact lenses?

Many invisible hazards to your eyes may be present in the water. Some of these germs may become trapped in your contact lenses, resulting in after-effects.

Risk factors in swimming with contact lenses

Swimming with contact lenses in your eyes can result in the following complications:

1. Infection of the eyes

If you swim while wearing contacts, bacteria and other microorganisms living in water can infect your eyes. 

They can adhere to the contact lens or have an easier time sticking to the surface of your eye since the contact lens helps to keep them in place.

2. Redness, or dryness

Soft contact lenses might tighten or adhere to the surface of your eye when exposed to water, irritating. Chlorine and salt water can also scratch your eyes, especially if they come into touch with your contact lenses. 

3. Chemical burns on the eyes

Chlorine and other pool chemicals do not kill all infections, and pool chemicals, such as chlorine, can induce chemical burns on your eyes.

4. Blurred vision

Contact lenses will also absorb any water that comes into contact with them, which can drastically alter their form. It will create them difficult to wear, frequently causing your vision to become distorted and fuzzy. So, if you want to know if is it okay to swim with contact lenses, this is another cause we would not recommend using contact lenses when swimming.

5. Abrasions on the cornea

Water particles or dirt can become trapped behind your contact lens and rub against your eye, damaging the surface of the cornea. 

6. Acanthamoeba keratitis

Acanthamoeba keratitis is one of the dangers of swimming with contact lenses. Acanthamoeba species are microscopic organisms found in soil and lake water. The term “keratitis” refers to corneal inflammation. 

Symptoms of eye infection after swimming with lenses

If you’ve been swimming while wearing contacts, and want to know is it okay to swim with contact lenses, these are causes we would not recommend using contact lenses when swimming, keep an eye out for the following warning signs:

A severe red eye diseaseBlurred vision with a foreign body feeling, pulling, and light sensitivity
The sensation that something stuck in your eyeA prolonged period of red, irritated eyes—even after removing your contacts

Tips to swim with contact lenses

If you must wear contacts while swimming or showering, take the following precautions to keep your eyes safe and make it ok to swim with lenses:

Clean your lenses

After swimming while wearing contacts, soak your lenses in contact lens solution for 24 hours.

Put on goggles

Any form of goggles that fits snugly will assist water out of your eyes. If you swim frequently, consider getting a set of prescription goggles to avoid having to wear your contact lenses.

Use artificial tears or drops

Artificial tears or rewetting solutions can help lower the risk of dry eyes but not eye infections.

Replace contacts regularly

Proper contact lens maintenance decreases the possibility of infection even further. Recognize to update your contact lens case every three months and always follow your eye doctor’s advice.

Gas permeable rigid lenses

If you compete in swimming, your doctor may advise you to wear stiff gas permeable contact lenses at night to reshape your cornea. It could someday eradicate the need for contact lenses during the day.

Laser Treatment

You may wish to explore laser eye surgery to help restore your eyesight and eliminate the need for contact lenses.

When to call the specialist and ask if is it okay to swim with contact lenses?

If you appreciate using contact lenses while swimming, consulting with your eye doctor is the best approach to assure your safety and preserve your eye fitness. 

Ask them if is it okay to swim with contact lenses.

Your optometrist is there to do more than provide you with new glasses. 

Please feel free to ask any questions about wearing contacts while swimming. And, whether you wear contacts or not, if you experience any eye pain, get emergency medical attention. 

What to do if we feel discomfort while swimming with contact lenses?

If you experience any pain with your contact lenses while swimming, remove and discard them instantly.

Can we wear contact lenses underwater and open our eyes? 

While wearing contact lenses, you should not open your eyes underwater. Because your contact lenses are permeable, they will not operate as goggles. 

Not only are you more prone to lose your lenses this way, but bacteria and debris from the water can pass through your contact lens and reach the shell of your eye. 

Is it safe to shower while using contact lenses?

Showering while wearing contact lenses poses the same risk as swimming while wearing contacts. It increases your chances of developing many eye problems, including dry eyes, infections, and inflammation.

Final words

Swimming while wearing contacts places you at the chance of diverse eye problems, including dryness, inflammation, and infection. In rare situations, it can cause significant infections or corneal ulcers, putting your vision and eye health at risk. 

Daily disposable contact lenses with goggles are the best option if use contacts while swimming. 

Because you discard these lenses after only one usage, they are less likely to induce an infection.

It’s better to avoid wearing contact lenses when swimming to eliminate this danger.

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