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HomeBusinessNEPRA approves tariff boost by Rs0.20 per unit

NEPRA approves tariff boost by Rs0.20 per unit

ISLAMABAD (Pro News): The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) maintained an increment of Rs0.20 per unit due to fuel charges adjustment (FCA) for August 2022. So, power buyers ought to make additional partitions in October’s power bills.


The Central Power Purchasing Agency (CPPA) had recorded deals for DISCOs to foster the power charge by Rs22 paisa per unit.

Nepra said that the increment was Rs20 paisa per unit according to its mysterious evaluation. It will put an extra stack of over Rs2 billion on clients. In any case, the extension won’t be fitting for K-Electric (KE) clients. The regulator should give a point-by-point judgment soon.

Power regulator’s Chief, Tauseef H Farooqi, coordinated the hearing with KE’s FAC application in Nepra. Because of KE, the power regulator showed a decrease in power rates by Rs4.87 per unit by ethics of fuel change for August 2022. The fall will give a breather of over Rs7 billion to KE purchasers.

Instructions by Nepra

Nepra, in this partnership, had referred to affiliations run unassuming neighbourhood fuel-fired works. The CPPA and National Power Control Centre (NPCC) fell to provide an exquisite reply to Nepra’s solicitations.

The regulator, regardless, has searched for a response from CPPA on this problem by next Tuesday. It was other than forewarned to take serious action against those establishments not following mentioning from the fuel controller.

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Nepra specialists said that encroachment of the validity demand strategy had achieved an additional Rs5.39 billion. It likewise saw that a deficiency of LNG had caused a pile of over Rs5.10 billion.

The controller declared it was pardoning the validity interest and referred to that CPPA present an explanation.

Views of Nepra pioneer

The Nepra pioneer said that the public authority was bearing the significance of about Rs15 per unit. They gathered this total from the clients. He saw that clients expected to face a store of Rs1.21 billion due to encroachment of the validity interest in August.

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