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HomeInternationalNorth Dakota restricts Transgender People's Access to Bathrooms

North Dakota restricts Transgender People’s Access to Bathrooms

A new law covering some state-run facilities, signed by Republican Gov. Doug Burgum, will prevent transgender children and adults in North Dakota from using restrooms, locker rooms, or shower rooms corresponding to the gender they identify with.


Penitentiaries and juvenile and adult correctional facilities would face impact, with dorms and other accommodations managed by the state board of higher education. 

There will be bathrooms and showers that are only for use by men or only by women. 

People who identify as transgender or non-conforming gender must obtain permission from a staff member before using the loo or shower of their choosing.

About the Rights of Transgenders

According to the American Civil Liberties Union, state legislatures have received more than 450 pieces of legislation this year that would restrict the rights of transgender persons.

The governor’s office chose not to comment on the law on Wednesday.

Three Republicans disobeyed their party and voted against the bill in the House, including Rep. Eric Murphy.

 “I don’t intend to stir up controversy. After the governor’s decision, Murphy told The Associated Press, “I just don’t think the legislation was necessary. The Grand Forks representative teaches at the University of North Dakota.

The state’s transgender health care is restricted after the governor, last week passed legislation, making it illegal to provide gender-affirming care to anybody under the age of 18.

Republicans in Congress voted in favour of that proposal as well, overriding the veto, and several Republicans did join all Democrats in voting against it.

The Same Law Signed in Burgum

Burgum also signed a ban on transgender athletes into law earlier this month after it passed both the House and Senate with veto-proof majorities. 

Burgum vetoed a bill in 2021 that would have banned transgender athletes at the time, but there weren’t enough votes in the House or Senate to override it.

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