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HomeFoodPFA discards 12,600 litres of contaminated milk in Lahore

PFA discards 12,600 litres of contaminated milk in Lahore

LAHORE (Pro News): The Punjab Food Authority (PFA) happened with its advancement against dirtied milk in the city, not sometime before World Food Day (WFD). The team of PFA disposed of 12,600 liters of unscrupulously soiled milk.


The dairy safety team of PFA got a milk-furnishing vehicle stacked with unprecedented liters of milk.

PFA Director General Mudassar Riaz Malik said that the dairy safety teams (DSTs) put screening pickets at different points in the city. It reviewed a few milk carrier vehicles stacked with many litres of milk.

He stated that the execution social events of PFA had carried out milk specimens for screening tests on the spot and took action against milk carrier vehicles simply following finding pollution of dirtied water and planned materials in 315 milk inclinations.

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Operations by the PFA dairy team

Operations by the PFA dairy team

PFA dairy pack took milk test for a screening test on the spot and took action against the milk supplier, found results were not palatable. The social event examined the corruption of discolored water and cleaning experts in the milk.

He added that milkmen used dirty enhancements to foster the thickness and extent of the milk. In any case, the use of dishonestly dirtied milk or food watches out for a threat to clients’ thriving, especially youngsters.

PFA Act statement about the milk

PFA Act statement about the milk

According to the PFA Act, debasement of water, powder, and manufactured substances in milk is an offense, he said. The director general declared that the appearance of spoiled milk has decreased due to consistent checking of milk carrier vehicles and milk shops from the PFA get-togethers.

He additionally expressed that PFA will start a door-to-door milk testing exertion in Lahore very soon to control the sale of spoiled milk.

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