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HomeTOP 10Top 10 beautiful places in Chitral - Tour in Pakistan

Top 10 beautiful places in Chitral – Tour in Pakistan

Chitral is one of the most splendid, shocking, and prestigious spots in Pakistan in the KPK region.

The Chitral Valley has a run-of-the-mill ascending of 1128 meters and is the #1 among trailblazers, climbers, trackers, and anthropologists.

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It ends up being all the obvious and exquisite in summer when the snow assembles, the stream spouts, and the scene turns rich green. The environment of Chitral in summer is particularly radiant.

Chitral, with its handcrafts and huge stones, entices explorers from any spot in the country. You will bring different views and remembrances of Chitral’s beautiful places.

The people of Chitral are uncommonly welcoming and collaborative. You can, without a stretch track, down an accomplice if needed.

Summary of the top 10 beautiful places in Chitral

In this article, we will examine the top Chitral beautiful places for our spectators to dwell.

1. Bonnie


At the pinnacle of the Chitral Valley, one of the brightness’ is Bonnie. Like other valleys, Bonni is stunning and is beyond a shadow of a doubt worth visiting Chitral.

Since cold masses are the fundamental interest for adventurers, the Bonnie Mountain block is fan-shaped. Puzzling truth! To the extent that informative workplaces obliged the local people, the city has been made greatly.

Since the valley is familiar with the sun, the environment in Pune is warm. In winter, the climatic circumstances are freezing. This spot is notable for the movement of various vegetables, ordinary things, and yields.

2. Shahi Fort

Shahi Fort

Shahi fort-Chitral is among the best places in Chitral, on the right bank of the Chitral Stream, near the Shahi Mosque. It is a magnificent and radiant fort, and travelers admire it a lot.

The fort was gotten a handle in the fourteenth hundred years by Raja Nadir Shah. It isn’t in its initial arrangement now, but it genuinely reveals the sumptuousness of its past.

In 1969, the Shahi Fort Chitral was conveyed as the specific property of Chitral’s last ruler. Before visiting Shahi Fort, it is key to search for endorsement.

Nevertheless, the stress in no way, shape, or form! Many accomplices will help you visit the Shahi Post from the inside.

3. Garam Chashma

Garam Chashma

Garam Chashma is generally called hot springs or warm springs. It is a sublime valley of Chitral coordinated in the Hindu Kush range at a move of 2,550 meters.

The spot is worth seeing for stone climbing, fish appearing, standard springs, and a quiet environment. Here is one more intriguing reality about garam chashma.

Doctors use the water of springs as a brand name answer for skin infections and diligent headaches. Washing places have been mixed for visitors to tidy up with spring waters.

You might be contemplating the legitimization of the hotness of water in springs. It is an outcome of a ton of sulfur stored under the ground.

The sulfur grows the temperature of water past the edge of ascending over. The temperature increases all around that truly matter, 2600C.

4. Chitral Museum

Chitral Museum

The Chitral region of KPK is all-around remarkable for its customs and civilization. People made the Chitral museum to protect Chitral’s social heritage and captivating scene. The museum is one of the best Chitrals beautiful places and comprises two galleries, an ethnic and an archaeological gallery.

The ethnography show displays the lifestyle of the Chitral people. Moreover, various things like pearls, weapons, standard dress, items, stoneware, and instruments are for the ethnographic gallery.

In addition, the archeological show similarly shows obsolete social materials from Channel Kalash.

5. Karambar Lake

Karambar Lake

 The great Karambar Lake is a High chilly lake. It is in the Broghil Valley of Chitral and the Ishkomen Valley of Gilgit.

Karambit Lake is the second most raised pool in Pakistan, first is the Rush Lake of Gilgit Baltistan. It is coordinated at a level of 4,272 meters and is typically uncommon.

For going to Broghil Valley, people go in jeeps. Starting then, at that point, and for a critical timeframe, a 3-day going is a must to show up at Karambar Lake. I promise you that the experience will entrance you.

6. Ayun valley

Ayun valley

It is on the banks of the Chitral Stream, one of the gorgeous valleys in Chitral. It is a rich green valley between Chitral town and Ayun Valley. It is the entryway to the Kalash Valley.

The Chitral River and the Bamburit River take part in the Ayun Valley. The Bumburet River courses through the whole Ayun Valley. The water is utilized in making power, immersion, and drinking for Ayoun Town.

People of the Water system Ayun are a ton of coordinated and warm. You should visit Channel Ayun and witness the greeting and heading of travelers.

7. Chitral Gol National Park

Chitral Gol National Park

Chitral Gol National Park has coordinated close to the Chitral Stream distance away of a 2-hour solid drive from Chitral Town. Another name of this park is the Chitral Donning office.

You can wander around an area of 7,750 hectares at a 5,000-meter rise. The course to stop is bound, dangerous, and endeavouring.

You can see three valleys, colossal ice sheets, and brilliant streams starting from crisp masses in the diversion locale. The redirection locale is rich in cedar trees.

Many animal life like markhor, ibex, mountain bear wolves, red fox, and Himalayan otter is there in the redirection locale.

8. Bumburet Valley

Bumburet Valley

Bumburet is the best valley of Kalasha Desh in Chitral Locale, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.

The Bumburet valley is among the best places in Chitral valley and emerges with the Rumbur valley at 35°44′20″N 71°43′40″E and sometime later joins the Kunar Valley at the town of Ayun, around 20 km south of Chitral.

Close to the west, the valley climbs to a pass communicating with Afghanistan’s A Nuristan Locale at around 4500 m. The valley is involved by the Kalash public and has changed into an explorer district.

9. Tirch Mir

Tirch Mir

It is the Hindu Kush Mountain Range’s most elevated pinnacle. Past the Himalayas-Karakoram Reach, it is the world’s most raised mountain.

It is in the Chitral region’s Mulkow Valley. Furthermore, this inclining reach has a degree of 7,708 meters.

Trich is the Wakhi word for fogginess, while Mir is the Wakhi word for the ruler. The name signifies “Head of the Shadowiness.” Tirch Mir’s shadows on Wakhan’s side are other than committed to the name.

10. Shandur Pass

Shandur Pass

It is the best fair for trying trailblazers. The roads are barely anything, and gravelly, so plan to move in first and second stuff. Moreover, a large portion of the road is only for one vehicle.

You can visit Shandur Pass between late April and early November. Jeeps are the best choice for going through the roads to convey to this must-see locale.

Constantly in July, the Shandur Polo Joy happens. Chitral and Gilgit Baltistan groups battle in polo matches on Shandur Top during the festival.


The Chitral Valley of Pakistan is staggering, and you become comfortable soon after using a journey there.

The terrific Chitral valley is known to the world for its hypnotizing and famous significance.

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In the colder season, a lot of snow is there, and the mountains peddled in snow give magnificent scenery.

The extraordinary rising above heaps of the Hindukush range and the rich culture of the region, especially the Kalash public, has been the interest of trailblazers from any spot in the world.

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